Clive Christian Fragrances - Collection Image - Les Senteurs
Clive Christian

Clive Christian Perfume has a rich and vibrant history and as the brand has grown and evolved throughout time, these classic perfumes and their exquisite craftsmanship have remained the epitome of luxury perfumery.

Clive Christian’s history began in Victorian England where it was established by William Sparks Thomson as The Crown Perfumery Company. Having first opened a corsetry business in 1840, Thomson and his son found that due to the tightness of the garment’s ladies would faint and so lavender based smelling-salts were introduced to revive his clients. These salts were soon followed by the creation of a highly concentrated perfume called Crab Apple Blossom in 1865 which is where this company’s perfumed history begins.

The Crown Perfumery Company was reimagined as Clive Christian Perfume, and the inaugural Original Collection of perfumes launched in 1999. Clive Christian OBE restored the craftsmanship and tradition of haute perfumery and having celebrated 150 years, the perfumes are still adored by the modern elite of today.