Scents of autumn...

Scents of autumn...

Here we suggest several autumnal fragrances which can be found at Les Senteurs, which might provide some pleasant, comforting aromas for the longer nights...

Autumn leaves… golden and crunchy and crackling, and the thought that Christmas is not quite so far off. All young leaves are delicately and wonderfully fragrant, whether the sweet and juicy subtleties of the hedgerow hawthorn; the succulence of blades of grass; the catty bite of box; or the savoury redolence of the herb garden. Leaves of fig, vetiver, tobacco, citrus fruit, lavender, bay and mint flourish in myriads of perfumes. Old leaves smell of the earth and the creatures and objects that find a home or a hiding place beneath them: hibernating toads; fallen apples; peppery nasturtium seeds rolling around like jade beads; the last rose of summer held together only by ice crystals. The smells of autumn may seem variously depressing or cosy according to temperament.  

MOMENT PERPETUEL by Les Eaux Primordiales 

A blackberry picnic in the last of the sun on a herb-strewn heath: storing up sunshine and memories for winter... Southern French lavender is at the core of this blissfully romantic scent

MILKY MUSK by Parle Moi de Parfum 

Silky, warming and soft - a cashmere scarf of perfume... Even the slightest movement triggers perfumed wafts of sweet milky olfactory shadow, fluid and elusive.

SPEZIE by Lorenzo Villoresi 

The glory of the Italian harvest of spices and herbs captured in a scent. A rich sun-drenched armfuls of herbs and spices from a shady Tuscan garden - dark, rich, ample and sensuous.

MUSC RAVAGEUR by Frederic Malle

Smooth seduction by scent, softly spicy warmth, a kiss in the dusk... Deceptively fresh top notes of lavender, bergamot and orange yield to sensual depths of cloves, gaiac wood, tonka, vanilla and cedar. A perfume of the night… 


Evokes the thought of open air fires, bonfires, tobacco smoke, seasoned leather… A perfume of infinite adventure and blue grass plains…

Come by our Elizabeth Street boutique and choose your personal favourite.

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